Virtual Field's Impact on Efficiency and Patient Satisfaction


Centerville Family Eyecare specializes in general family care, catering to a diverse patient demographic spanning from pediatric to elderly individuals, with a specific emphasis on managing glaucoma. Exams used: 24-2 BOLT, C-40 Screening.

Case study

Challenges Before Implementation:

The practice encountered challenges with tabletop visual field equipment, particularly in terms of discomfort reported by older patients, leading to issues such as neck and back discomfort. Simultaneous work by multiple doctors resulted in congestion within the practice, leading to increased patient wait times. The practice sought a more efficient screening process, prompting the exploration of alternatives. There was also a desire to incorporate a second visual field device to enhance diagnostic capabilities.

Addressing Patient Comfort and Wait Times:

The introduction of Virtual Field proved instrumental in alleviating patient discomfort associated with traditional visual field equipment. Its mobility allowed for in-room deployment, eliminating the need to relocate patients. Technicians praised the efficiency gains, particularly when dealing with contact lens wearers who could undergo both visual field and acuity testing in a single location, streamlining the workflow.

Positive Patient Reception and Experience:

Patients provided positive feedback, highlighting the quicker and visually clearer experience offered by Virtual Field. Both adults and children expressed excitement, with younger patients initially associating the technology with a video game. The Virtual Field headset stand was generally well-received, especially by patients conscious of their appearance.

Results and Outcomes:

Virtual Field garnered a consistent preference from patients over traditional methods. Daily feedback emphasized the enhanced experience and increased efficiency achieved through the adoption of the new technology.


The integration of Virtual Field into the optometry practice has successfully addressed pre-existing challenges, ushering in a new era of patient comfort and operational efficiency. Positive responses from both patients and practitioners underscore the transformative impact of Virtual Field on the overall experience within the practice. The consistent preference expressed by patients and the daily affirmation of improved efficiency validate the decision to embrace this technology. As the practice continues to evolve, Virtual Field stands as a cornerstone in elevating the standard of care and service delivery.

About Virtual Field

Virtual Field delivers an exceptional eye exam experience. Eye care professionals including ophthalmologists and optometrists examine patients faster, more efficiently, and more comfortably than ever before. Exams include Visual Field, 24-2, Kinetic Visual Field (Goldmann Perimetry), Ptosis, Esterman, Color Vision, Pupillometry, and more.

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